Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Jame's guitar finally gets a name!

So it's common knowledge that If your guitar has no name, or you don't tell anyone what you named your guitar, it's open season for someone else to name it for you. 
Here's a transcript of how Jame's guitar was finally named. He doesn't appear happy with the decision but sadly, it's final.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Guitarist becomes gardener

In a sudden change of heart, eject ejects star lead guitarist has decided to take up gardening.
In a bizzare turn of events he stole Marse's lawn mower and did his lawn for him citing "creative garden inspiration"
Never the less he left the garden in a state and has been told to stick with the day job...

Just play guitar James!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Marse injured!!

Sadly rehearsals are on hold this week due to Marse injuring his thumb in an industrial accident!

Get well soon Marse!

Friday, 26 July 2013

New drummer acquired!

Hey Eject! Eject! Fans, as you all probably know, the band has been in need of a new drummer since the previous drummer went AWOL... 
Luckily a new drummer has been found, although we can't reveal any details, yet.
There is however this picture that might give you a clue as to who he is..

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Album art mockup.

Hey guys, heres an interesting piece of mockup artwork for the first album "Eject the goose"

Anyone a dab hand in photoshop???

Friday, 12 July 2013

Indisposed: Demo now uploaded.

Eject! Eject! record demo tracks "in the studio"

Hi guys, well Eject! Eject! have uploaded a rough demo of one of the new songs. This ones called "Indisposed" and apparently references an old mans affliction with perscription drugs, amongst other things..

Heres the link!:

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Demo recording guide tracks= Done!

Well i've just finished the guide tracks for the next 3 demo songs.
fun times!
Although my fingers are now killing me!

I look forward to seeing what these turn into!

Recording finished! (for now at least...)

Monday, 8 July 2013

its working now right?

this works now right?

Hey does this blog still work?

Hmm i wonder if this shows up or not....

Test post!

This is a test post so please pay it no heed!

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